Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mark my words...

I'd like you to meet Jean-Marie Martin.  She is an adorable, aspiring model.  This session with her was my first of this kind, but was soooo much fun!  She's got spunk, personality, and not to mention...photogenic!

I hardly had to tell her when to pose or what to do or when to smile.  This girl is a natural.

Mark. my. words.  This girl will be on the cover of a magazine someday! 

What did you want to be when you grew up? 
a pilot?
a teacher?
a pro baseball player?
a mom & wife?

I wanted to be a flight attendant who flew all over the world...until we had career day and they said I would be too short. Go figure.  Now I see short flight attendants at the airports.  Huh.  Guess God had other things in mind for my life. 

I didn't want to be a photographer when I was growing up.  That wasn't a goal or dream until I was an adult...

But God has answered two prayers (heart's desires) in this...

1. Through Him allowing me the success of this photography endeavor, I have still traveled the world, even if it wasn't via airplane assisting people with their peanuts and complimentary soda.  Who would have thought?  Short, me...whose dream of traveling the world was squashed because of height, has still managed to reach Germany, Netherlands, China, and now Russia through this photography blog.  God is good and amazing.  Who knows where He's going to take me! Or where He will lead Jean-Marie.  But, I do know this...He will give you your heart's desire, just in His time. 

2. He answered my heart's desire. 
I've wanted to dive into photography for a long time, but never had enough confidence to just do it even though it was my heart's desire. 
In HIS time...he made it so.

"Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart"
~Psalm 37:4

Mark my words.


  1. My first desire was to be a teacher, later a nurse. Even when working as a nurse, one of my favorite parts of my job was "teaching" the patients about their health condition, meds, wound care, etc. Evenutally I stopped working as a nurse so I could stay home and teach school to my children. It's come full-circle! You're right -- God places desires in our hearts that He will bring about in His own time! So glad you're enjoying your photography venture and getting to travel the world in the process!

  2. I agree with Jane--God places desires in our hearts that He will bring about in His own time. Years ago in high school in class one day a thought came across my mind...Lord if it's your will I have one gender of kids when I grow up please let it be girls and can it be 5 of them. It wasn't until our youngest daughter Kenzie (who is now 12) was born did this thought come to mind. I was in the hospital bed after her birth looking at her beautiful face and in my heart I felt the Lord say, "Pam I heard you years ago in class and I have given you your heart's desire." I cried. My cup runneth over.

  3. I am missing your blog posts...
