Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mark my words...

I'd like you to meet Jean-Marie Martin.  She is an adorable, aspiring model.  This session with her was my first of this kind, but was soooo much fun!  She's got spunk, personality, and not to mention...photogenic!

I hardly had to tell her when to pose or what to do or when to smile.  This girl is a natural.

Mark. my. words.  This girl will be on the cover of a magazine someday! 

What did you want to be when you grew up? 
a pilot?
a teacher?
a pro baseball player?
a mom & wife?

I wanted to be a flight attendant who flew all over the world...until we had career day and they said I would be too short. Go figure.  Now I see short flight attendants at the airports.  Huh.  Guess God had other things in mind for my life. 

I didn't want to be a photographer when I was growing up.  That wasn't a goal or dream until I was an adult...

But God has answered two prayers (heart's desires) in this...

1. Through Him allowing me the success of this photography endeavor, I have still traveled the world, even if it wasn't via airplane assisting people with their peanuts and complimentary soda.  Who would have thought?  Short, me...whose dream of traveling the world was squashed because of height, has still managed to reach Germany, Netherlands, China, and now Russia through this photography blog.  God is good and amazing.  Who knows where He's going to take me! Or where He will lead Jean-Marie.  But, I do know this...He will give you your heart's desire, just in His time. 

2. He answered my heart's desire. 
I've wanted to dive into photography for a long time, but never had enough confidence to just do it even though it was my heart's desire. 
In HIS time...he made it so.

"Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart"
~Psalm 37:4

Mark my words.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Shug, Pawpaw, Bobby...

I'd like you to meet Bobby, my father-in-law. He's also known as Shug (pronounced Shoog) & Pawpaw (by his grand kids).

He is the Patriarch of our Dodd brood. He helped raise six kids...three girls and three boys. One of those boys happens to be my hubby. Bobby and Nelda raised their kids to be godly adults who in turn are raising their children to be godly, responsible people. This scripture comes to mind when I think of them and the family they've made...

~Train up a child in the way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

I took this picture recently of Pawpaw at a family get together where he dedicated one of his great-grandchildren. The scripture really is fitting...

Now on a funny note:
(based on a true story)

Pawpaw recently picked my daughter & niece & nephews up from school. The kids went outside to play. After a bit he went outside to check on them. As he stepped off the porch he noticed all but one of the kids on top of a scaffolding. The other one was climbing down off the ROOF of the house! After a near heart attack, he made all the kids come in and start their homework until we came to pick them up. Jordyn (my youngest) came home saying, "Pawpaw is a cool babysitter"...I wonder why?!?!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

New to this blog thing...

Ok, here it goes...
I'm new to this "blogging" thing.  But, it's a new year and I've started a whole list of new why not add "blogging" to that, right?

My sister-in-law (who also has a great blog you should follow, called "a blossoming day" suggested I start a blog for my new photography endeavor.
Speaking of photography most of you know, I recently stepped way out of my comfort zone and decided to make one of my dreams (and goals) a reality...after the encouragement of my amazing husband, family and some dear friends. Not to mention, I had a mentor that is A-mazing with a capital A.  You should check out her work...  She truly is a great person and encourager. 

God has really shown me lately to trust Him.  I've been so worried about what people would say about my work (and yes, I have a lot to learn) that I let that get in the way of trusting what God had in store for me because of my fears.

~Proverbs 3:5 says "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight"...

So, I am trusting God in this adventure and having fun and meeting great, new people while doing what I enjoy. 

Here are a few pictures from the session that jump started this whole thing!  This is my nephew and his fiance...they are ADORABLE!!  Thanks for letting me share them with you.

Thanks for checking out my new blog.  Here's to new adventures and blessings in 2012!!